Friday, January 20, 2012

A Sweet Ending to a Great Day

So today is my 21st birthday. Well technically it is 2AM in the morning on the 20th so yesterday was my birthday. The point is I had a pretty good day. I am a very very impatient person so when I came home from work on Thursday, and saw a present sitting on the table. It was screaming to me "open me now!"

I knew it was from H, and I walked in gave him a hug, and ran to the bathroom. (My bladder is about the size of a peanut so this is a regular routine thing.) So he told me I could open it after I asked over and over again. So look what I found......

Sooooo gorgeous! I was really excited, and love it! I am not too much of a "pink" girl so he definitely did a good job. He usually does.

....and not only did I get a stunning necklace....

I also got a pair of matching earrings that I so desperately needed. I am pretty cheap when it comes to buying earrings so the ones I do have turn my ears green. Gross! I usually only like the stud kind since I have this fear of me wearing dangles, and someone ripping them out. I know, so gross but that is the thought that comes into my head when I see those type of earrings. Anyways before I opened the present he said "Well one will need to be returned because it is broken." Well he bought me some blue stud earrings that matched the necklace perfectly. The little stone fell out however.

So the next day we went to the store, and he went off and returned the earrings on his own. He came back to where I was clothes shopping and said "Well the lady tried to fix them, and I think they look bad." I checked them out, and you could tell that it was super glued, and the metal placement was smashed against the stone. I was slightly relieved when he said that we should exchange, or return for a different pair of earrings since they didn't have replacements for the ones he originally bought.

So we came out with these.

My camera could not grasp the concept of clarity tonight. You get the gist though. They are exact same color of the necklace. What I really like about them though is that I have 2 piercings in each ear, and sometimes get tired of wearing 4 earrings. These I only pinned to my second hole at the top, and the bottom half covers my other hole. Tada!
Also while I was browsing around in the store I found a pair of jeans that were on clearance that were a size to small. I figured "Hey why not?" since I had time. I tried them on and guess what? They fit perfectly! I was SOOO happy. Nice to know that my 10lbs that I lost previously paid off. That was my many of "happy moments" of the day. 

Then for my birthday MIL bought me a Sam's club card. I only went to Sam's once or twice when I was little so I don't really remember it. H and I were both extremely impressed with the sizes of food you could get for the price! We went down every isle examining prices of food, and stuff we typically buy. We will definitely be shopping there when we get some money honey.

So today is payday and I have to admit that we were behind in a couple bills. Well guess what?! Not anymore. We just paid off 2 of our latest bills, and one more to go. It is such a huge relief to get it over with. I get so excited when I can pay them off. This is one of the reasons I am currently awake at 4a.m. right now. H is working a graveyard shift so we have been texting, and trying to keep awake.

Tonight was a lot of fun though. We went out to pizza with MIL & FIL, and Sandy. Sandy is a co-worker of mine, and she is such a sweet woman. You can tell she has a good heart. Anyways we had a good time, and I stuffed my face with pizza, and chicken wings. Soda too that I am not supposed to have but hey if any day to have soda I guess if should be my birthday! Also FIL made me a birthday cake. A specially requested Tres Leches Cake. It was soooo yumm! He followed the Alton Brown recipe and oh was it gooooood! Here is the link if you want to check it out. 

So tomorrow (really today) I will be sleeping in MAJORLY since I decided to be so diligent crazy to stay up and write this post. I am meeting my mom, dad, and grandma for dinner tomorrow. Still don't know where we are going but maybe some gambling will be involved? We shall see.

Off to bed with me! Goodnight~