Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Banana a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

Lately I have been trying to just eat healthier without dieting since the last diet fueled a kidney stone to pass with all of the protein I was eating. Instead of my daily snack at 10am of crackers, chips, chocolate...I replaced it all with a banana. H has been really liking them too. They are cheap, and good for you. So I am hoping that I at least maintain my weight, or even lose some! I used to not like bananas, and a lot of other things but I have decided I need to open up my fruits and vegis, and I have been doing a lot better of a job at being less picky. Still picky...just less picky.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am finally turning 21! Woohoo. Tonight H and I are going to my grandma's. She wanted me to stop by and pick up my birthday card, and bring her In & Out.
Now how good does that look?!
Now if you are not from California then you are definitely missing out. In & Out has pretty much some of the best burgers around. At first I was hesitant because my grandma has diabetes, and needs to lose weight. But who am I to tell her what to eat? She is an adult, and can make her own decisions. We have persuaded and told her, but she doesn't listen. Anyways back to me, tomorrow I have the day off and will be meeting MIL and FIL for pizza. Then on Friday my parents and other grandma are meeting up, having dinner, and going to the casino for the first time. Well my first time anyways. I'm pretty excited.

And nooo no alcohol for me. I just don't like the taste, and why drink it if I don't like it? I think it is more of a glorified "thing you do when you turn 21" then actually do it. I am excited that I do get to finally buy whatever I please now. For Christmas H wanted Bailey's Christmas set so I went to Target. I put it in my cart and while shopping around I realized..I can't even buy this yet!
Also on Saturday I will be trying a new recipe. It is olive and cream cheese stuffed chicken breast. I'll let you know how that one goes. Never stuffed chicken before so we'll see. :)