Thursday, January 12, 2012

Updates & a Not So Cold Winter

This winter has been absolutely horrible. It is completely freezing but bright and sunny. This is the weather I hate the most. Usually by October we have rain that continues right through March. But not this year. I think the most annoying thing is having to use an ice scraper in the morning for my windsheild, and not even having any thunderstorms to make up for it. So that is my rant for today.
Here are a few updates on previous posts:

Diet- Non-existant-I have been eating crappy food, and not cooking. This is a slight issue moneywise, and fatty wise.
Kidney Stones- Diagnosed with 6 on January 4th! (3 in each kidney.) Coninuing to go to Doctors for blood tests. They lost my kidney stone at the lab so they still don't know what the stone is made out of. Yayyy Boooo Kaiser. Anyways the Dr thinks that I have calcium oxalate stones which basically means:

More water, no salt, less tea.

I guess my biggest issue is both the water and the salt. I am okay with quitting the tea (I am allowed to have herbal tea), but I am a salt-oholic. Seriously. I love my salt, and to take it away is just a crime. But I am trying, and I will be going to the grocery store to check out substitues.To solve my drink more water issue my plan is to buy a hugenormous water bottle, and try to carry it around with me everywhere. (Well besides shopping, and stuff cause then that would just be weird.)

Military- H and I made a big decision to not join. Because our goal have changed, and we are qualified for a house we decided against it. Is it a mistake? We don't know but I guess you just have to take chances. H is now working on becoming a Police officer so watch out everyone!

Kids- Holly has been doing great. She is healthy (at least I think) engergetic kitten who plays until her heart's content. Her and Buggas have been getting along great. At first they were a little iffy, but now they are best friends.
Buggas on the has not been doing so great. For the last couple weeks he has been extremely mellow (very unlike him.) When I pick him up he just growles, and screams. At first we thought it was because we gave him and Holly lobster. He did seem like his tummy was upset. After I gave him a little bit of medicine he seemed to be doing better but still grumpy and lazy all of the time. I will be keeping my eye on that boy.
Pyro is his normal self. He has had soo much energy lately that it is impossible to live with him if we don't take him on a walk. Over the weekend I did give him a bath, and a good brushing but he still smells.

Work-  Has been extremly and overwhelmingly crazy. I got to see Barb yesterday which was nice. Definitely miss her. My lunches have been pretty crappy this week, and so have H's so I'm thinking we need to go on a much needed grocery shopping trip.

I am planning on posting a lot more. I figured I would get caught up on everything I've missed so I can start from new.
