Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Good Christmas

The last couple years Christmas has been very "EH." Usually could not afford presents or family arguments. BUT...this year was great. Christmas eve we went to my parents house, and ate ham and yummy turkey. I got a nook! I wasn't really interested in them but I have been playing with it for the last couple days and love it so far. I was pretty biased to the kindle just because I would prefer to buy from Amazon rather then Barnes & Noble. What really tripped me out about the nook is that the screen looks exactly like pages of a book. You can't even tell that it is electronic. Right now I'm reading Divergent which so far is a pretty great book. It does remind me of the Hunger Games but it is a little different. I was up reading it late last night. Well late for me anyways.
Nook Simple Touch

Then on Christmas day we went to M & FIL's. We had prime rib, and we were pretty stoked to get an ice cream/smoothie maker. Can't wait to use it. Oh and my favorite....the pasta boat! LOL. Seriously though pasta is a pain in the a$$ to make, and I'm pretty excited to use it. I'm thinking spaghetti for dinner tonight. :) 

I also got a set of really pretty bracelets. They are a set of bangles, and they are way cute. H got a nice set of Bailey's coffee liqueur. We tasted it last night in hot chocolate, and it is way yummy. I want to try the caramel next!

I also went shopping with my grandma, and she bought me these boots.

So your probably wondering how the diet is going. Well the last couple weeks of December the diet has been non-existent. H would bring home cookies, fudge, and every baked sugar sweet food possible. So we were defeated. BUT amazing but true I am still losing weight! The last week I have been eating only once a day (which I know is horrible) but I have noticed that I am no longer hungry 24/7. Next time we go grocery shopping we will be eating healthy. I am currently at my 10 lbs loss. Woohoo! Oh and I have a stack of jeans that I have been keeping for years so I can fit back into. Well guess what?! Out of 6 pair I got 3 back. Slowly but surely I will fit into the skinniest ones I own.

Next let me introduce you to the newest member of the family. Meet Holly!

She was my "Christmas present" to H. I got her a few days before Christmas and surprised him after he got off work. She is way too cute for her own good, and right now her and Bugga's have been getting better at being friends. At first he was very mean to her (trying to establish dominance). He was pinning her down and biting her on the neck. He still does this but way less, and now he will let her play next to him. He is slowly getting used to the fact that she is not going away. When I brought her home I noticed she did have fleas. She also obviously had worms so off to the Petco I went. We got rid of the fleas with shampoo. She wasn't infested or anything but she did have a few on her as well as lots of eggs. Now we are working on killing the worms. I have been giving her medicine 3x a day. Hoping it is working. I think it is but we'll see. After the 2 weeks I will take her to the vet for a wellness exam, and all of her wonderful shots. I have some really good pictures at home that I will upload later.

All in all it was a pretty decent Christmas. Hoping next year is just as good if not better.