Monday, December 5, 2011

My Buggaboo's and Day #4

So today is #4 for my diet, and so far so good. Of course I have been having the worst time not eating bread, pasta, etc. I will confess today I accidentally ate a mint. It was completely an accident, and I had no sugar intentions. If I was going to cheat I would grab a piece of bread before I touched a mint. With that said I have been very very diligent at keeping up this diet, and plan to keep going. My scale read yesterday morning.......6lbs LIGHTER..can you give me a hell ya?!? Then I weighed myself this morning and I was at 3lbs lighter, and not 6. So I am definitely doin some major fluctuating. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

During this weekend I did get my haircut. Nothing special just a MUCH NEEDED trim, and a few layers to lighten the load. I will try to post a couple pix later. I was pretty excited when the hairstylist asked if I could stand up in order to trim because my hair was so long. Never happened before so I was like "No problem!" since I have been trying to grow my hair out forever. It definitely feels a lot healthier. She did add in Joico, K-PAK, restorative styling oil. It made my hair a lot softer, and easier to work with. I was tempted to purchase in store but it was $15 and I just couldn't budge it. I will be thinking about purchasing in the future for sure. I also remember the last stylist I went to used CHI Silk Infusion Silk Reconstructing Complex. That also made my hair nice, and light.

For Christmas H and I are considering switching to a new cell phone service. We currently have Metro PCS, which is a cheap service with no contract. It has served its purpose but we are on to newer and better things. We are considering Sprint since H gets a 20% discount with them which comes to a pretty reasonable price. So we'll see. :)
So the wonderful California weather fooled me again this mourning. It is December, and most other places it is raining, snowing, or storming. Well....not CA. Being a CA girl I do love the sunshine but I think I love the rain, and snow more. So this morning I looked out and it was all sunny so I figured "Hey lets throw on some cargo pants, and a tank with some flip flops." When I wake up in the morning I don't put a lot of thought in my clothes even though I should for the soul purpose of sleeping in about awesome lazy. So when I walked out the door to go to work this morning, it was freezing! Literally freezing with ice on my windshield. I very much dislike the sunny but freezing weather. Just stupid.
So I probably have mentioned before that I am pretty much obsessed with my cat. Here is the love of my life. He is such a little menace, brat, pain in the ass, but I love him. Of course H hates pictures taken of him, and the dog's eyes always turn out pure red. So that leave me with pictures of my BUGGA BOOS! H also calls him Bouche (Boosh). 
The all so cute and innocent stage

His gorgeous blue eyes!
His eyes slowly fading from blue to green
They were friends right away. See what I mean about the red?
Slowly moving into the "teenager" faze

Eyes turning from green to yellow
He would not stop licking himself so we had to make him wear the shameful cone
Sun Bathing with his cone

...and yellow eyes!
He thinks he's boss