Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Retirement Barb!

So 6 months ago exactly, a wonderful woman by the name of Barb let us know (company at work) that she would be retiring. I have worked along side Barb for about 3 years so I was extremely surprised to hear the news.

She had been working with the company for 18 years. 18 years! Can you believe that? So much dedication. When you would see her in the morning she always had a cute outfit on, and just always cheery. Yes a cheery HR person. Were talking one in a million here. Her personality was off the charts. Fun, and when she had to get down to could tell she was doing her thing. I always loved her sayings (usually coming from her mom.) I remember a few but one day I was complaining about someone not being fair at work, and her response was "The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but is always replaced first." She definitely gave me a new prospective on a lot of things in life. Oh and I will never forget "YIPPEE SKIPPY"! One of her more common phrases.

Yesterday was her last day, and it definitely will not be the same without her. I always labeled her "Oh wise one" since she was always there when I had a question, or just in general someone you could talk to about anything. I was very bummed to hear at first but I  have slowly come around that it is just a new chapter in her life, and I will definitely be staying in touch as I consider her as a close friend. Without her around I will have to man up and figure things out for myself. It was a bittersweet day yesterday. We all brought in breakfast goodies, and yummy treats. Oh and the fun idea my MIL had to bring a wreathe with little bottles of alcohol. It was completely adorable, and she loved it! Then at the end of the day it was just...quiet. Without her around there was a weird feeling, and will be hard to get used to. In the end though she definitely deserves it, and can now go to being a full time grandma!

Happy Retirement Barb! You deserve it.
Her favorite holiday is Halloween