Friday, December 2, 2011

Day #1 and a Very Cute Pyro

So here we go with DAY #1. Last night we totally pigged out knowing it was our last day of sugary goodness. I also realize that I am starting right before the biggest month of the year to eat candy and sweets. I say "Bring it on!"
Okay so maybe my eggs didn't look that good!!
 So here is my food plan for the day:

2 Scrambled eggs
protein water

Small bag of baby Carrots
String Cheese

Decaf Green Tea

Small bag of Celery
String Cheese

Grilled chicken breast

Sugar free, fat free jello 

I am desperately hoping I will keep up with this. As you have seen in previous posts my dinners are not exactly healthy so hoping to make a big change. I was wanting to start on January 1st but H convinced me "Why not just start now!?". I thought hell I need to, and I really don't need to be eating all of the Christmas sweets, and candy. So last night we went to the grocery store and only bought foods we were allowed to eat. It was pretty easy since the book makes it simple that Phase 1 (lasts for 2 weeks), you basically only eat meat, poultry, vegetables, and cheese. Of course lots and lots of water but that's a given. We were slightly on budget so we only bought foods for today and this weekend. On Monday we will be going major grocery shopping since that is pay day, and get a ton of vegetables, cheese, and meats.

To completely change topics I had to post a picture of Pyro. He would make a great Christmas card huh? I'm just too lazy to do it.
