Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater...literally

I haven't posted in a while because guess what? I had a kidney stone. Yep another one. Last year I passed a kidney stone on December 15th. I guess I'm just lucky. It has been going on for a couple weeks actually. I would get a few pains on my side so I would just take some Ibuprofen, and that would do the trick. Then the pain woke me up at 2AM on Wednesday the 7th, and would not go away. I tried a previous medication the DR. prescribed me when I last had a kidney stone. Nope...still didn't do it. So then H drove me to the emergency room, and they treated me there. I believe I arrived around 3:30am, and was released around 7am. They put me on an IV, and some pain medicine. I still did not pass the stone when I left so I was up to my head in drugs. Finally on Friday morning I passed the stone, and took the entire weekend to get my body up to speed again. Hoping this time the DR can tell me what is wrong, and why I keep getting these little painful devils. It is unbelievable that a stone the size of a grain of salt can cause so much pain! Anyways that was my fun week.

Oh and the diet. 1 word. Cheater. Yes I am a cheater. When I was sick I didn't eat anything. I barely could get water down me, and maybe a Popsicle. My lovely mom came over to check on me, and brought me pizza. So I did eat 1 slice of pizza. So sinful I know. Let me tell you.....it was sooooooooooooooo goooood. Then I went back to the diet. I did slip up an eat an orange but I figured if it was going to be a cheat, it should be something healthy. Oh and it didn't stop there.

H came home with a dozen chocolate chip cookies, peppermint bark, pretzel clusters, pumpkin cake with glaze, and gingerbread cookies. Tis the season right? What a BUTT! He received it all from work. These were not just store brand either. They were homemade all the way. He ate the cake (CHEATER) and I ate some of the cookies, and clusters (CHEATER.) I am still sticking with the diet more or less. Staying away from fast food, and the dirty processed food. Trying to eat healthier in general. So all in all I have lost 8lbs! WOOHOO. Now if I can keep going that will be a miracle. We'll probably cheat a little more during Christmas but come January we are going strict.