Friday, July 15, 2011

Well its about time Friday finally showed up!

Finally Friday! It seems like this week has been dragging on. I just found out that our apartment will be having an inspection again. They just did it 3 months ago. So cleaning on the weekend for me! Not very fun I know. I also received an email from an old friend today. It was defiitely nice to hear from her since we drifted apart a couple years ago. She is going through some relationship problems but I guess that is life. I think I just got lucky that I found H so quickly, and didn't have to go through all of the heartache to get to the right one. I am still slacking on eating healthy. You would think I would have enough motivation to get in shape since it such an  easy concept to grasp. Eat healthy+exercise=lose weight. How hard can that be? WELL...let me tell ya! lol Not much to write today since my tummy is rumbling at it is almost lunch time.
