Tuesday, July 19, 2011

and the days go by...

So last night me and H cleaned up our appt like crazy. We are having an inspection today or tomorrow. I have the fact that we JUST moved in, and they did not specify a time. So the appartment is all clean. I was actually suprised how fast we got it done. It wasn't too dirty to begin with. We organized all of our drawers and such. I was pretty impressed with H. He is definitely not a cleaner but he totally kicked ass last night. Missing my kitty! He had to go spend the night at my mother in laws since our appartment requires a $200 fee. Apparently he got a bloody nose from stress. Poor baby! He's fine though he just misses me! LOL. Also looking into jobs in AF with H. I thought one job called a Phoenix Raven sounded pretty cool. I was just looking at the name of course. I think he might be interested in it. Sounds like a fun job anyways. Tomorrow I get the day off! WOOHOO. I don't having any plans so far but I would like to do the following: Rollerskating, go see a movie, hiking, gym, buy a bookshelf, etc. Oh and on Sunday we put our turtle up for adoption. She was too big for the tank we had, and taking up a lot of room in our place. We had tons of repsonses, and we responded to a teacher who wanted her for her classroom. We were really happy we found someone who would take good care of her. Goodbye Ed(na). We are still working on putting together a saltwater aquarium. We have live rocks so far, and the water. We added 1 fire shrimp, and 5 snails. All of the snails died. :( Bummer. The shrimp is still alive..thank goodness since he was $30! The tank is now growing red stuff all over it. I'm thinking its not good since the water is getting cloudy and gross. H is researching on how to fix it. According to my dad our shrimp is french as he has a french accent! lol. On Sunday my dad brought over doughnuts. He stayed for a bit, and left. I enjoy when he comes to visit. My mother and sister are currently on vacation in southern CA. All of her family lives there, and that is the only place she will take a vacation. She is a major homebody unlike myself. I have been completely failing at eating healthy. Being low on $ definitely does not help with the healthy eating. I love to snack on fruit but it is so expensive but so worth it. Sorry for jumping around all over the place. :)
