Monday, July 25, 2011

My Lazy Weekend

This weekend was definitely uneventful for me. It consisted of couch, food, bed, couch, tv. I did watch a movie that I absolutely love! It is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Definitely one of my favorites, and pretty much tops Breakfast at Tiffany's in my book. I also love Unsinkable Molly Brown, and Oklahoma (not the orginal but the newer one with Hugh Jackman) 

Update on H: He has been achieving A's in all of his classes. Happy for him since he was looking for a self confidence boost. I think the thought of joining, and traveling is keeping him motivated. Keep going! He is currently attending AMU (American Military University) online classes. He is taking history, econ, and college 101 for his first half of the semester. Beforehand when he signed up his counselor told him that it would be too heavy of a load. This concerned both of us since he has the intelligence however does not like applying himself. He had definitely proved us all wrong. AMAZING!

I also went on my usual walk this weekend with H and Pyro. Pyro is our collie who has been a PITA lately. We were debating wheither or not we should keep him going through the military. We decided that since he is actually a member of family already it would be hard to give him away, and it would not be that bad to move him around from place to place. Here is a puppy picture of Pyro. He was the cutest puppy I have ever seen. When we went to look at him 2 years ago I knew we were going home with him. This is him on my dad's boat. He took it pretty well for being a puppy. He is all around a pretty mellow dog. Just a complete goober! 
 To the right is a picture of him now. He is wearing one of my shirts right after I gave him a bath. The bathing process is way long and requires a large amount of shampoo! He is an inside dog but somehow manages to smell up the place with his partner in training-Riley our kitty. We call him Bug-A-Boos, and Bouche (Yes sounds like Douche except with a B..this is all H!) ( I believe nicknames were previously mentioned.) Bugga's and Pyro have been really good friends, and work as a team to climb to the counters for food. Usually since Pyro is mellow, kitty will get to the food first and take from him. Poor Pyro! LOL. Here is another pic of Pyro older. When ever we take him on a walk we get tons of compliments about how pretty he is. I swear he should have been born without balls because he is more pretty then hansom! lol

Please note that the timestamp on the last picture is wrong. My camera has the dates not set correctly. This was from last December. His eyes are brown however there are slivers of blue in each eye. Notice that his left eye in the picture is really blue. We think that he does in fact have poor eyesight. When walking he usually doesn't notice someone or somthing until they are right on him. 

Sorry to throw you off but I found my ring on the internet that I have had for 4 years. On my 17th birthday H got me this ring. I used to wear 5 rings on each hand. One night we were watching a movie and he slipped this ring on my hand. I absoulutely love the simplicity of it. Also I love silver. For some reason I cannot stand gold on myself. I thought that it was pretty expensive but later down the road he told me he got it on sale for like $15.00. HAHA. I went on Kohls today and it is actually $10 now. Nice! It is more sentimental then anything so I really don't mind. I have been wearing it all day all night since he put it on me. I know, I know cheesy. I also tried looking for the necklace that he gave me for Valentines day when we were first dating but no dice. It is a silver necklace with a heart, and a pink stone on it. Again, probably not expensive but don't care. He is on the not so romantic side so receiving a present like jewelry is so great! He does have really good taste I must say. He helped me pick out engagement/wedding ring. 

Oh and I did try something new on my nails this weekend. I admit it does look a little "high schooler" but I like it. I painted them half purple slanted, and the other half silver. It does look better in person that trying to explain. Here is something that looks similar. Just with different colors.   


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fun Day at the Zoo

So yesterday I had a vacation day from work so me and H went to the zoo. Here are a few pictures. :) We had a good time .Sorry for the somewhat bad pictures. I bought a new camera so I was trying to figure out the settings. We did miss out on our favorite animal which is the otter. We think they are hilarious, and too cute. They were making his habitat larger so it was under construction.
Snakey-Poo-We chose the reptile place first to get it over with. This is our least favorite place of the zoo.
I believe this is some type of a desert snake
This is the cafe we went to
Here is the food we ordered from the cafe. The cafe definitely did not have anything remotely healthy so we went with chicken strip basket, 2 medium drinks, and a cheeseburger basket. Total $24.68. Outrageous! Especially for cafeteria food.

Reaching for some leaves with his longggg neck
Bashful..he started pooping with I was taking a gross!
The sad tiger. He was pushed against the glass and everyone was tapping, and trying to get his attention.
He kept crying. :(

This guy walked right up to me. Notice he is missing his horn. Not much of a "Horn bill" but he was definitely the nicest.

The jags. This is when they both noticed us looking at them after they were playing

Just ducks..I thought they were cute tho

Monkey. He turned around right after.


..I snapped a pic before he went into hiding

Shy zebras. I don't blame them!

Tiger again. He's got big feetsies.

Against the glass


Anteater..they are so funny looking!

Cool looking birdie

I gotta say he was one of my favorites. He was missing his horn and he was so sweet. He let me take tons of pictures of him. 

All in all it was a great day. We also visited the Train Museum as well as the mall. Train museum pix to come. It was a little hot at the zoo-around 90 degrees or so. We got very lost getting to the zoo but once we did it was nice. Just like a mini vacation. Our next planned trip is the Wild Animal Park. I have never been there but H assures me it is amazing.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

and the days go by...

So last night me and H cleaned up our appt like crazy. We are having an inspection today or tomorrow. I have the fact that we JUST moved in, and they did not specify a time. So the appartment is all clean. I was actually suprised how fast we got it done. It wasn't too dirty to begin with. We organized all of our drawers and such. I was pretty impressed with H. He is definitely not a cleaner but he totally kicked ass last night. Missing my kitty! He had to go spend the night at my mother in laws since our appartment requires a $200 fee. Apparently he got a bloody nose from stress. Poor baby! He's fine though he just misses me! LOL. Also looking into jobs in AF with H. I thought one job called a Phoenix Raven sounded pretty cool. I was just looking at the name of course. I think he might be interested in it. Sounds like a fun job anyways. Tomorrow I get the day off! WOOHOO. I don't having any plans so far but I would like to do the following: Rollerskating, go see a movie, hiking, gym, buy a bookshelf, etc. Oh and on Sunday we put our turtle up for adoption. She was too big for the tank we had, and taking up a lot of room in our place. We had tons of repsonses, and we responded to a teacher who wanted her for her classroom. We were really happy we found someone who would take good care of her. Goodbye Ed(na). We are still working on putting together a saltwater aquarium. We have live rocks so far, and the water. We added 1 fire shrimp, and 5 snails. All of the snails died. :( Bummer. The shrimp is still alive..thank goodness since he was $30! The tank is now growing red stuff all over it. I'm thinking its not good since the water is getting cloudy and gross. H is researching on how to fix it. According to my dad our shrimp is french as he has a french accent! lol. On Sunday my dad brought over doughnuts. He stayed for a bit, and left. I enjoy when he comes to visit. My mother and sister are currently on vacation in southern CA. All of her family lives there, and that is the only place she will take a vacation. She is a major homebody unlike myself. I have been completely failing at eating healthy. Being low on $ definitely does not help with the healthy eating. I love to snack on fruit but it is so expensive but so worth it. Sorry for jumping around all over the place. :)


Friday, July 15, 2011

Well its about time Friday finally showed up!

Finally Friday! It seems like this week has been dragging on. I just found out that our apartment will be having an inspection again. They just did it 3 months ago. So cleaning on the weekend for me! Not very fun I know. I also received an email from an old friend today. It was defiitely nice to hear from her since we drifted apart a couple years ago. She is going through some relationship problems but I guess that is life. I think I just got lucky that I found H so quickly, and didn't have to go through all of the heartache to get to the right one. I am still slacking on eating healthy. You would think I would have enough motivation to get in shape since it such an  easy concept to grasp. Eat healthy+exercise=lose weight. How hard can that be? WELL...let me tell ya! lol Not much to write today since my tummy is rumbling at it is almost lunch time.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Kiss

One more day and I am ready for my weekend. This month was fun for me just because of all the shopping, and all of the stuff I bought. I'm pretty sure shopping=my favorite thing on this earth. Well besides the H of course! Now I'm just getting cheesy. No plans for the weekend yet. I was hoping to try a new recipe. It is homemade mac and cheese. I have been trying to eat healthier so this is like a huge NO NO. I went to the gym yesterday, and was on the elliptical for 30 minutes. I burned 300 calories! Afterwards I thought to myself, well what was 1 french fry!?!? I have been trying to motivate myself to go to the gym more often by keeping a record of what I have been eating. So far, no dice. Once I am at the gym I am okay. It is getting there that is the hard part for me. My H started school on July 4th with AMU (American Military University.) He took up a huge load of classes. I am hoping that he gets through it. I have faith in him. He is a very motivated and strong willed person when he puts his mind to it. I have my fingers crossed. :) Today's hairstyle consists of a frizzed out ponytail..ugg. I wait until the last minute at night to take a shower, and then go straight to bed. My hair in the morning is a crazy mess that I just don't want to deal with. Adding the fact that I am not a morning person what so ever. I have been working on this though. Usually on weekends I only sleep in around 9am IF that. I used to sleep into 11 to 12 which I never really liked because when you wake up the whole day is gone already.

I came across this photo while browsing a website. I just love it. I have seen it in galleries before, and apparently they found the man who is in the photo which I think takes the mystery out of it. Just a beautiful photo all around. Thought I would share some of my favorite kissing scenes.

I also love this photo. The classic Audrey Hepburn. I love her in Breakfast at Tiffany's but who doesn't? 
Titanic-Loved her dress in this scene

Rachel McAdams is one of my favorite actresses. I loved her in Time Traveler's wife. That movie just made me cry the whole time. Note to self: Do not watch movie if PMSing. lol
And last but not all time favorite. Myself and H! We were hiking at a place called Hidden Falls. It is a public park open to everyone. After the hike you come across a huge waterfall. We hiked down to the waterfall (you're not suppose to) and kissed in front of it. Very romantic to say the least.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shopping Trip!

Whew! Thank goodness it is hump day! In this blog I am going to try to improve my grammar. I work with email all day long so I am always using shortcuts and abbreviations. I don't make any promises though. ;) I went on a major shopping trip last weekend and thought I would post what I bought. I usually tend to lean towards the "$5" shirts, and "$20" pants since I am constantly on a budget, but I went crazy last weekend! I bought the $10 stuff and the $40 clothes! Lol. I know pathetic. I bought this cute purple dress from Target. For some reason I have been really into purple.  

I also got a cute heart necklace with earring included. I love it. I usually get the $5 necklaces and earring so I can have quantity over quality but the necklaces start to smell really bad! I have no idea why but I refuse to buy them anymore. Then the cheap earrings always turn my ears green so exnay on that! I have been wearing the necklace everyday (I am very boring.) I also went shoe shopping! I seem to always collect a ton of shoes that don't fit me-hand me downs, old shoes that I don't want to depart with that arn't worth fixing, etc. So I went through my shoe closet and tossed many many pairs. I replaced them with tons of Old Navy flip flops which I love. They seem to last forever for me. I also bought some high heels. High heels are spelt out High HELLS for me. I always look look I have a stick up my ass when I walk in them. I have been working on that though so hopefully these will do me justice. I also bought another pair of black heels that are amazingly comfortable. I hope they last forever because I have NEVER ever found a pair of heels that fit me to a T. I bought these shoes from Famous Footwear. I just love the simplicity of these. They were only $25! I was impressed.
I also bought some tank tops from Kohls. I was pretty impressed with Kohls when I went. Usually the lines are crazy long but this time I glided right through. Definitely nice for a change since I lack in patience. Next I stopped by the Galleria Mall which is under construction at the moment. A man walked into the mall with a gun apparently, locked himself in a gamestop, and lit the place on fire. It has been about 6 months and they are STILL working on it. Man is ok by the way, just mentally ill. Continuing with my shopping I stopped by Bath and Body Works. I can't say that I love them but they definitely have some unique smells. I chose to get coconut passion fruit, and Ambur. My H is not a big fan of the ambur but to each his own. I also came home with face illuminator from Forever21. I tried it on the other day, and it didn't seem to cover up any of my blotches or acne. I have mild acne, nothing too bad. I just get sick of looking at it. So I put my regular covergirl makeup over it. OMG my acne dissapeared the next day. The only thing I changed in my normal makeup routine was that Forever21 illuminatior. Bizarre! I also bought some Neutrogena Rain. I have never heard or use any Neitrogina producs. My H insisted I buy it because it smells really good. I thought it smelt okay but I understood what he meant when I washed with it. The scent stays with you for almost the whole night. It also made my skin softer then what I usually use so that was a plus for me. I was a little dissapointed when I bought it from Target for $8 or $9 and saw it at Walmart for that price for the big bottle! I honestly think it smells a tad bit like old people but hey, I can dig it. ;)        
I of course did some shopping at Ross. It is one of my favorite stores for clothes, and home stuff in general. I have been trying to do more with my hair as well. It is pretty long, and to get it out of the way I usually just throw it up in a bun. Bad habit I think. H said that he likes braids so I have been working on learning a little bit about braiding. I know the basics but my mom never really knew how to french braid or fish tail so I never really looked into it. Its defitinely more challenging to learn something over a youtube video then watching it in person. For me anyways. I will have to post some pictures in the future to show some progress. I thought this was cute. I would NEVER ever get the courage to do that to my hair. I like my hair natural looking but it is definitely unique. It seems like the reality of things are not as fun as the expectations lol. I would love to meet someone who could pull off that hair color without looking like a clown. I am also curious to see what it would look like not braided.            
Well work is calling my name. I hope to post some more pictures or at least ones of the family. I have a camera that I love to take pictures with however I lost the charger. Unfortunately Kodak only sells their chargers online, and I can't just pick it up spur of the moment. I guess I need to suck it up and order the damn thing so I can take pictures when I want. Hopefully when I get home H will be motivated to go to the gym with me. Not fun to go by myself. Here's hoping!


Always Say "I love you"

So this morning I woke up just like usual for work. I crawled out of bed went to the bathroom to wash my face, and I noticed that my eyebrows were a little bit off. So I pulled out the tweezers and started tweezing away when one fell in my eye! It took me forever to wash out my eye, and continue what I was doing. I throw on some makeup because I am already running late. I kiss my husband (H) goodbye, and say I love you. Then i walk outside dressed in a long skirt and a tank top since it has been pretty warm the last few days. So I step was dark and cloudy with a drizzle of rain. Since when does it rain in July in CA? So I go back inside change to jeans and a short sleeve shirt. I was a little depressed to be changing out of my comfy summer clothes to jeans. I have only ONCE found a pair of jeans in my life that fit me perfectly, and that was in highschool. LOL. I am short..around 5'2, and have crazy hips. So therefore I have to find jeans that are petite, lowered waist, and flared slightly at the bottom. Talk about picky! So anyways I thro a pair of jeans I just recently bought. They are comfy but again to not measue up to my standards. After saying goodbye again to H with "I love you" I head out the door. Everytime me and H depart from each other it is a thing for us to always say I love you. ALWAYS. Except of course when were completely MAD at each other at which point we just ignore each other completey. So here I am at work in my uncomfortable jeans, red eye, and hair that did not wish to cooperate this morning. Well at least I got a starbucks double caramel frap, and an I love you.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Here are some straight to the point facts about myself. My name is Katy aka Katylou. I am your typical Californian who loves the sun, and loves the outdoors. I am a newlywed in my 20's, and adore animals. I currenlty have a dog (rough collie), turtle, kitty, and beginning a saltwater aquarium. I usually spend most of my time with my husband who i adore, and when ever possible plan shopping trips with my mom, and grandmother. I currenlty live in an apartment perfect for the two of us. My husband is planning on joining the military which looks like lots of traveling in my future. Also to point out the obvious...I am a diehard brunette :)
