Monday, November 14, 2011

My Cute Lil Spee-i-der

Hello there. First let me start off by showing you my new car! I am pretty excited about it, and I did go through buyer's remorse (majorly) but have since gotten over that today. I am not so "yay" about the color but did some pricing and figured that it would cost about 2k for a super nice paint job.
Here is my car now:

...and then the paint job I am hoping for:

Would love to have THIS car however I think my cute lil' spyder could pull off that color. Comparing it to a Lotis does NOT do it justice. Just look at the color people! Haven't done much shopping in a long time. Spent everything on the car! lol. My H is also for the purple but I was thinking maybe blue instead? I go back and forth but we definitely pick very unique colors.

New update on the army: H is finishing up some college, and will be done in January. After that he is enlisting, and we have now been looking into the medical field which I love.

I just got back from vacation from work (woohoo week off!). Didn't do too much since we just bought the car. We did go to the zoo which was fun. We went in the morning so most of the animals were either eating or hiding. I still can't decide if I am against zoos. I'm definitely not for this just because the animals just look sad in the cages! You can totally tell on their faces that they are not happy. There are some animals that don't really mind. (Going off my keen animal instincs..heehe.) Back at work today (boo) but my email has been going crazy (IT has been working on it) so I got through pretty fast. Day has been going by pretty fast so that is good news.
I have learned a valuable life lesson this month. READ before signing. That is all.
I also this month have changed my hair color several times. I know, I know! I thought "OMG I'm going to have to change the name of my blog." The first color was a bronzy brown. Didn't like it at all. So I went with "dark cinnamon brown." My hair came out flaming red. It was literally ALL red. I was a little devistated at first but started to grow on me. After about 2 weeks, and ran to the store and picked out some brown. I couldn't stand the red. It looked so fake on me. I am now back to my true color! I will post some before and after pictures hopefully in the next post.
I also tried to cook a spaghetti squash. A little back history on me~ I have never really liked vegis (ohh of those kids) and I have been slowly, and I mean slowly adapting. So I tried out a spaghetti squash, and ...YUCK. Did not like. I'm thinking I may have overcooked it too but totally gross to me. I was a little bummed since they are suppose to be so healthy for you. With it I did pick up at the grocery store a pre-made salad which had apples, cheddar cheese, and apple vinegrette...YUMM! Success! Anyways I will see ya lata...half hour of work to go!