Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So I have a lot going on at the moment. H is still deciding if he wants to join AF or army. I am leaning him towards AF just because of an amazing job that he and I both like. I just found out that Army and Navy offer it too, but we like the location of the AF.It is a SERE trainer. Their basically the masters of boyscouts. lol. Naw their more then that but you get my point. H is starting his second semester of classes. He is taking 2 classes as oppose to 3 which will definitely make it a lot easier. I am really hoping they have the SERE position available when he enlists. It would make life so much easier but I have a sneaky suspicion that it wont work like that. Just because we have that kind of luck. Speaking of luck, even though this is totally conflicting what I just said, I found a $20 bill on the ground. I have only found money on the ground once, and that was $5. I was pretty happy, how lucky is that?!
We are also planning a vacation in November. I get 1 week off, and so does H so we are hoping to go to SoCal. There is a ticket that you buy that includes: San Diego Zoo, Wild Animal Park, and Sea World. The ticket is only $150 each person! So excited. I am hoping that we can actually go on this trip. Saving, saving, saving. The one thing both me and H are horrible about. We have the worst impulsive personalities together. This month we did pretty good with saving so we decided since we did such a good job we should reward ourselves. So we went and bought a WII. I definitely don't commend my decisions, but let me tell you...it's so not worth it to regret it. LOl, and the WII is so much fun. 
Oh and the diet fun. I haven't been recording my calories for the past 3 weeks. So bad! I really need to go back to it. I haven't even been watching what I eat at all. Need to work on that. Hopefully next time I write I will be back on it. I lost 6lbs with it! You would think that would be enough motivation but sadly..no.:(
Our 1st year anniversery is coming up. Were thinking of just driving to the Ocean. We don't want to spend a lot of money so maybe ocean, and a nice dinner? Or we were thinking maybe our November vacation can count. :) Lately too I have been having major baby fever! Yuck! 5 more years, 5 more years, 5 more years at least! This is what I have been repeating in my head non-stop. lol Wrapping it up for the day, see you.
