Monday, November 14, 2011

Ready Set...Blonde, Red, Brunette!

So as I mentioned before I have changed my hair color 3 times within the same month. I know..poor hair. Anyways, here are some before and after pictures....

Here is what I started with. It is overgrown highlights, and I was sick of the "goldie" look.
Here is the 2nd look. I bought Clairol natural instincts which I thought well from the picture, and the back it looks like a dark reddish brown. Oh and it took 3 boxes for my hair! Crazy huh? Normally I will dye my hair a couple times a year professionally. There's no doubt that's the way to go. But I had an event at work  

and I didn't want to go with the overgrown highlights so I thought "Hey lets just take a chance, and hope it turns out wrong. Well I was totally wrong. As soon as I looked in the mirror after I was done I was pretty much in shock. Seeing my hair flaming red when expecting dark brown was a HUGE difference. I was extremely disappointed and I hated it. I wanted to change it back, or change it right away...but I didn't. I didn't want to completely fry my hair so I did wait a couple weeks. Here is how it turned out! I wanted to cry. I thought it looked fake, and I totally do not pull off the redhead look. I am extremely pale with green eyes but I just can't get past my natural brunette. :) I apologize for the huge mess in the background! The picture actually makes it look pretty light but it was very very very red.

Next down the line after my red mistake I knew I wanted to go more my natural color (light brown.) So I decided to try to get rid of most of the red to go dark brown. I have always liked dark brown so I went for it on a Sunday afternoon. It took me forever trying to figure out what color of brown so finally I came out of the store with this. I almost regretted getting Clairol again with the bad episode I had previously but I really liked the color, and guess red! Another huge reason for choosing this is the new "foam" that they have been advertising like crazy. I have to say that I loved it! With the red dye my husband was there to guide me on what strands I was missing color in and what not. When I was picking out the dye my husband was at work, and I was on my own so I wanted something easier to apply. I must say..I loved it! It gives great coverage and works like a charm. I loved it. It was a little bit more expensive then the other dyes but totally worth it. I would definitely recommend especially if you have really long hair. Also with this it only took me 2 boxes to finish up my hair.
I was very happy with the result, and it came out beautiful. It is very shiny, and the exact color I was looking for. Of course a little bit of red came out but I don't mind a little bit. ;)
....and much better! Sorry for the boob shot by the way. Also every picture is right after I finished blow drying, and after the dying so pardon the frizz. I know I know, I need to work on my tan! I look so horrible in this picture but it gets the hair color across. Also didn't mean to double post but all of my pics are on my home computer that I can't access from work. So that finishes up my crazy hair month of October!
