Thursday, February 2, 2012

~Life is Good~

I am going back to school. I am pretty excited about it. Lots of exciting things happened last night.
1. H got accepted into the police academy!
2. I passed my entrance exams for college!
3. We received our "lease expiring" notice, and have a plan to move out within the next month!

I am seriously jumping with excitement. We plan on moving close to my college, and getting an apartment for cheaper. H is starting academy in June or July, and we will not be able to depend on his income anymore since he has to put himself through. Still have to work out the kinks in that. I start school on February 29th I believe, or the 28th. I am going into the medical field, and can't wait. Oh and one of the great perks is I get to wear these! SCRUBS! They looks super comfy.

Anyways H and my motto will be "He shoots them, she fixes them." I know I'm funny. We came up with that one all on our own! Hahaha

Were hoping everything goes according to plan. We'll see. Were hoping to go look at the apartments on Saturday, and then signing a lease to start on March 1st. That way we have a month to move our stuff out before our lease expires on April 1st (Pyro's birthday.)

Oh and its my MIL's birthday today!

Look at that face!