Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1 Weekend, 2 Amusment Parks, 1 Ocean View, and a Great Time

Almost at the end of the day of a lovely Tuesday...NOT! H is going in to work at midnight tonight to work which I don't mind since I am asleep by that hour. So a couple weeks ago H and I got into a fight. I really can't remember what it was about...something stupid like usual. We went in seperate rooms of the apartment and after several hours H came out and said "Want to go to So Cal?" Of course you would expect my response to be "Are you crazy?!" or "What are you talking about", but it ended like this.... "Sure." So we packed a few clothes, toothbrush, and the norms and headed out the door. We drove through the night, counted all of the cars who were in our way in the fast lane, and finally arrived at a cheap but expensive hotel. Now when I say cheap but expensive I mean the inside of the hotel was cheap, the price was expensive. Don't you hate that? Anyways the next morning we ended up going to the Wild Animal Park which was slightly uneventful. It was not busy and it was nice to see the animals but they were so far away you couldn't really see them. It definitely is a beautiful place to go, and is a "should go at least once" type of place. Since the Wild Animal Park only took half the day we decided to explore more of So Cal. (H is from So Cal so he was a little more familiar with the area.) We went to the SeaWorld. Last time I went I was about 4 years old. Both H and I were very suprised when we arrived. It was so much fun, and all of the animals they
 have is amazing. SeaWorld was also Christmas themed which was nice.
All in all we ended up leaving SeaWorld Sunday night, drove the
8 hours to get back home, and I was at work Monday morning at
8am sharp. What a weekend! Sometimes it is nice to be impulsive, and
sometimes it bites you in the ass. I think this time was nice since H
and I definitely needed a mini vaca. Here is a quick picture of us at the
 end of the day at SeaWorld before we went home. Afterward we went
to the ocean to check it out. Oh and it was FREEZINGGGGG cold!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Locket

So for our 1 year anniversery H got me this locket. I am totally in love with it. It's the perfect size but to fit a picture in there is going to take a lot of skill. Super super tiny. Sterling Silver Double Hearts Locket Pendant, 18"
I thought I would post this before I forgot. Oh and the other day H and I were looking around a store (forgot which one) and we saw a beautiful heart diamond ring that was on sale and super good deal. I did some major hinting so I'm hoping...maybe Christmas? I usually love anything he gets me because not to brag or anything but he has really good taste. So when he does get me something its usually very nice. Anyways almost time to go home :)


Dinner Menu

So me and H are huge fast food junkies. We both totally suck at cooking (with good intentions), and usually anything we make is "eh." However it has come to the point where we are both completely sick of fast food, and would like to move on to some homemade food. We will be taking a cooking class in the future, but with our schedules it is totally out of the question at the moment. So we checked on some somewhat "healthy" but manageable recipes, and created a menu for this week. I am hoping we can keep to it. Here is what I have so far:

Chicken Fried Steak
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Fresh Green Beans

(Ok! Ok! I know you must be thinking that is so not healthy but I did pull it from eatingwell.com so I am sticking with it. Moving on....

BBQ Chicken Tenders
Homemade Ranch Dip
(again pulled from Eating Well, and we have a ton of bbq sauce that needs to be used up)

Beef Stew
(My FIL makes amazing beef stew which I got the recipe from so I'm hoping it turns out somewhat good like his)

Pork Chops with Apples
Mashed Potatoes

Sourdough Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Tomato Soup for DH (Yuck!)

New York Steak
Corn on the Cob

Chicken Parmesan Sandwich OR Cheese quesadillas with fresh salsa and guacamole
(I'm not sure I will like the chicken parm so I am using the quesa's as a backup. ;)

Then of course Thursday is Turkey Day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Girl Can Never Have Enough Make-up

I thought I would post a little bit about the make-up I use. I recently just bought a ton of new stuff so I will show you what my latest findings were. My daily routine starts with washing my face. My face gets really oily so I had to find something that would get rid of the oily face but not completely dry it out. Clean & Clear foaming cleanser seems to be working the best for me at the moment. I was using a Neutrogena face wash but it was discontinued so I moved on to a face wash a little on the cheaper side.

Next I use Covergirl TRUblend. Just a few dabs on my face to cover up the redness. I would say it works pretty well, and most of all...it is not oily! I believe I use the Ivory color but I'm not 100% positive.

Then I discovered a brand of makeup I never had heard of. It is called Physicians Formula. When I was out to lunch with H we stopped by a small grocery store, and they had a lot of mineral and natural makeup. They had a huge huge sail on the physicians formula makeup for $2.99 each. SCORE! It didn't look like bad makeup either.

First I picked up the Bronze Booster Glow-Boosting Press Bronzer. I went home and tried it out. I loved it! The last time I used a bronzer it was dingy and orangey looking so I just stopped looking. This bronzer gives off a natural glow and the illusion that I am tan. LOVE it. So of course I went back for more. I also love the case that included a mirror, and brush.                                                      
Bronze Booster Glow-Boosting Pressed Bronzer
Next time I stopped by the store I bought a few more items. Here are a few:

Shimmer Strips Custom Bronzer, Blush & Eye Shadow
They say that you can use this as blush, eye shadow or bronzer. I decided I would use it more for eye shadow since I loved the neutral shimmery colors. I am not a big fan of eye shadow and hardly ever use it. When I do it is usually just a shimmer. It stays on all day, and looks very nice. Thumbs up!

Next I picked up another bronzer since I loved the first one. It is called Summer Eclipse® Bronzing & Shimmery Face Powder. I haven't yet tried it yet so I will keep you updated. I just love the cute little sun on it. I think that is mostly the reason I bought it. Oh and it was $2.99!!

Then I picked up this Healthy Wear™ SPF 50 Tinted Moisturizer. It has a good color but way way too oily for my face. I think I will stick with the covergirl. :) I was also using MAC cover-up however I ordered it online, and it was completely the wrong color for me. It was way to light, and made me look extremely pale. I guess I will save that for my "winter look" lol.

I also bought some blush. The blush I was using was Avon which was getting the job done, but I didn't really like the color, and it didn't stay on all day. So I picked out the Mineral Wear™ Talc-Free Mineral Blush. I have been liking it so far. I think I would like a little more pinkish color but it does stay on all day which I am happy about it. It also came with its own brush and mirror. I did also buy some powder foundation that is the Physicians Formula as well, but haven't tried it out yet. We'll see. Usually powder foundations don't really work for me since my skin is a little bit dry right after I wash my face so it shows through. The moisturizer I use which I do use right after I wash my face. (Sorry I skipped that step). It is Neutrogena oil free moisture. I love it, and it does not make my face oily at all. After my face I move on to my eyes. About a month ago I was looking for some mascara. I was using an avon brand that was ok. I found some reviews of woman that loved the Benefit They're Real! Mascara. I checked online, and the prices were a little expensive. Then I found it on amazon for super cheap, and decided to try it. Usually I don't pay more then $6 for mascara but was really wanting to try it. I LOVE this. It makes my eyelashes look long, and full. I was very impressed to say the least. I think it is mostly the brush that makes it so nice. I would definitely recommend this product.
Then to finish it off I use Maybelline Shinesensational lip gloss. I use #55 Tempting Toffee. It gives off a little pink natural color but the taste is amazing. So yummy~

That pretty much covers my make-up routine. Then I move on to my hair which I am not as creative with. That is another story.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ready Set...Blonde, Red, Brunette!

So as I mentioned before I have changed my hair color 3 times within the same month. I know..poor hair. Anyways, here are some before and after pictures....

Here is what I started with. It is overgrown highlights, and I was sick of the "goldie" look.
Here is the 2nd look. I bought Clairol natural instincts which I thought well from the picture, and the back it looks like a dark reddish brown. Oh and it took 3 boxes for my hair! Crazy huh? Normally I will dye my hair a couple times a year professionally. There's no doubt that's the way to go. But I had an event at work  

and I didn't want to go with the overgrown highlights so I thought "Hey lets just take a chance, and hope it turns out wrong. Well I was totally wrong. As soon as I looked in the mirror after I was done I was pretty much in shock. Seeing my hair flaming red when expecting dark brown was a HUGE difference. I was extremely disappointed and I hated it. I wanted to change it back, or change it right away...but I didn't. I didn't want to completely fry my hair so I did wait a couple weeks. Here is how it turned out! I wanted to cry. I thought it looked fake, and I totally do not pull off the redhead look. I am extremely pale with green eyes but I just can't get past my natural brunette. :) I apologize for the huge mess in the background! The picture actually makes it look pretty light but it was very very very red.

Next down the line after my red mistake I knew I wanted to go more my natural color (light brown.) So I decided to try to get rid of most of the red to go dark brown. I have always liked dark brown so I went for it on a Sunday afternoon. It took me forever trying to figure out what color of brown so finally I came out of the store with this. I almost regretted getting Clairol again with the bad episode I had previously but I really liked the color, and guess what...no red! Another huge reason for choosing this is the new "foam" that they have been advertising like crazy. I have to say that I loved it! With the red dye my husband was there to guide me on what strands I was missing color in and what not. When I was picking out the dye my husband was at work, and I was on my own so I wanted something easier to apply. I must say..I loved it! It gives great coverage and works like a charm. I loved it. It was a little bit more expensive then the other dyes but totally worth it. I would definitely recommend especially if you have really long hair. Also with this it only took me 2 boxes to finish up my hair.
I was very happy with the result, and it came out beautiful. It is very shiny, and the exact color I was looking for. Of course a little bit of red came out but I don't mind a little bit. ;)
....and much better! Sorry for the boob shot by the way. Also every picture is right after I finished blow drying, and after the dying so pardon the frizz. I know I know, I need to work on my tan! I look so horrible in this picture but it gets the hair color across. Also didn't mean to double post but all of my pics are on my home computer that I can't access from work. So that finishes up my crazy hair month of October!


My Cute Lil Spee-i-der

Hello there. First let me start off by showing you my new car! I am pretty excited about it, and I did go through buyer's remorse (majorly) but have since gotten over that today. I am not so "yay" about the color but did some pricing and figured that it would cost about 2k for a super nice paint job.
Here is my car now:

...and then the paint job I am hoping for:

Would love to have THIS car however I think my cute lil' spyder could pull off that color. Comparing it to a Lotis does NOT do it justice. Just look at the color people! Haven't done much shopping in a long time. Spent everything on the car! lol. My H is also for the purple but I was thinking maybe blue instead? I go back and forth but we definitely pick very unique colors.

New update on the army: H is finishing up some college, and will be done in January. After that he is enlisting, and we have now been looking into the medical field which I love.

I just got back from vacation from work (woohoo week off!). Didn't do too much since we just bought the car. We did go to the zoo which was fun. We went in the morning so most of the animals were either eating or hiding. I still can't decide if I am against zoos. I'm definitely not for this just because the animals just look sad in the cages! You can totally tell on their faces that they are not happy. There are some animals that don't really mind. (Going off my keen animal instincs..heehe.) Back at work today (boo) but my email has been going crazy (IT has been working on it) so I got through pretty fast. Day has been going by pretty fast so that is good news.
I have learned a valuable life lesson this month. READ before signing. That is all.
I also this month have changed my hair color several times. I know, I know! I thought "OMG I'm going to have to change the name of my blog." The first color was a bronzy brown. Didn't like it at all. So I went with "dark cinnamon brown." My hair came out flaming red. It was literally ALL red. I was a little devistated at first but started to grow on me. After about 2 weeks, and ran to the store and picked out some brown. I couldn't stand the red. It looked so fake on me. I am now back to my true color! I will post some before and after pictures hopefully in the next post.
I also tried to cook a spaghetti squash. A little back history on me~ I have never really liked vegis (ohh ya..one of those kids) and I have been slowly, and I mean slowly adapting. So I tried out a spaghetti squash, and ...YUCK. Did not like. I'm thinking I may have overcooked it too but totally gross to me. I was a little bummed since they are suppose to be so healthy for you. With it I did pick up at the grocery store a pre-made salad which had apples, cheddar cheese, and apple vinegrette...YUMM! Success! Anyways I will see ya lata...half hour of work to go!