Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Don't Worry..

...I am still alive. I have been super busy and haven't really had the time to post. Were in the middle of moving, and I start school next week. YAY! I am really excited. We are moving to a more affordable apartment next to my school. Our goal to buy a house this year is not looking so great. We have yet again changed our plans. This happens on a daily basis. Anyways were only moving about 15 minutes away so hopefully all goes smoothly. In our new apartment we will have a fireplace..ooohh ahhhh...minus the over sized tub we have now. I guess its a pretty even trade. Our apt now is pretty much a disaster.
Buggas is ready to move!
Valentine's day was pretty good. I came home to flowers and candy. The thing about H is he likes unique so I was pretty excited that he didn't get me the plain old dozen roses. So boring. Instead I got white lilies. :)

 I got him a cake, and made dinner. We had beef stew, so weird I know but that is what H was wanting. It turned out pretty good actually.

On Monday I went to "picture day and uniforms" at my school. I had to try on the sample scrubs, pick my size, and order 2 pair. Well...let me tell you. I am right between the medium and the large. They don't make in between. I looks like a clown in the large, and my booty was all over the place in the medium. So I will be buying my own comfy scrubs (they allow this), and get my other school scrubs tailored. I tried a different style with my hair that I found on Pinterest. (Absolutely addicted to pinterest.) It was adorable. I love it, and will be doing my hair like this often. Here is the tutorial I followed:

Pinned Image

 I did take some pictures, and made my braid just slightly larger. All in all way cute! It also looks way cute up in a messy bun with the braid over the top.

Monday, February 6, 2012

When Life Gives you Lemons.......

....make grape juice, then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it

....throw them at somebody's head and get a good laugh

....stick them down your shirt and make your boobs bigger should make lemonade then find someone whose life has given them vodka, and have a party

....squirt them into your enemy's eyes

....keep them because, hey, they're free lemons

....make life take the lemons back

....make lemonade!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

~Life is Good~

I am going back to school. I am pretty excited about it. Lots of exciting things happened last night.
1. H got accepted into the police academy!
2. I passed my entrance exams for college!
3. We received our "lease expiring" notice, and have a plan to move out within the next month!

I am seriously jumping with excitement. We plan on moving close to my college, and getting an apartment for cheaper. H is starting academy in June or July, and we will not be able to depend on his income anymore since he has to put himself through. Still have to work out the kinks in that. I start school on February 29th I believe, or the 28th. I am going into the medical field, and can't wait. Oh and one of the great perks is I get to wear these! SCRUBS! They looks super comfy.

Anyways H and my motto will be "He shoots them, she fixes them." I know I'm funny. We came up with that one all on our own! Hahaha

Were hoping everything goes according to plan. We'll see. Were hoping to go look at the apartments on Saturday, and then signing a lease to start on March 1st. That way we have a month to move our stuff out before our lease expires on April 1st (Pyro's birthday.)

Oh and its my MIL's birthday today!

Look at that face!