Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Haven't been here for a while! Nothing too much going on lately. My kitty is getting fixed on Thursday (Poor baby!) I have a dentist appointment on Friday which I was looking forward too since I have not been to the dentist since I was a kid, but now that it is getting closer I am scared to go. (THE BAD) I have been doing okay on the healthy eating. I am still counting calories so that definitely motivates me to eat healthier. The last past week I haven't been excercising so thats not good. Once I put myself in the situation to excercise I am okay, its just getting to the starting point. My clutch went out in my car so I have been driving around H's big huge truck. It's a little difficult to manuvere but I am getting it down. It's nice in traffic on my way home because it is an automatic. We went grocery shopping yesterday and we were both (me and H) pretty impressed with ourselves since our cart had only healthy stuff. (THE GOOD) If you would have looked at our cart a month ago it would have looked like we never had chocolate, chips, and cookies in our lives and were stocking up for years in advance. Last night for dinner we had chicken breast with some type of package marinade, and cantaloupe. I think I like chicken legs better on the grill just because the breast is kind of plain even with seasonings. Tonight we are using our new crockpot for the first time! We are having beef stew so I'll have to let you know how that turns out. Oh and I have to tell you. It was the most hilarious moment ever last night. H was sitting on our couch, and kitty came up to the top of the couch. He went to poke him to just mess with him, and the cat turned around really fast. He ended up poking him right in the B-HOLE. HAHAH It was so funny. The cat gave the weirdist expression, and we were both laughing our asses off! (THE UGLY!)
Well I'm starving so I'm off to lunch. I am having Mr. Pickles thinking either a turkey cranberry or pastrami. Both are the healthiest meats. I have learned to stay away from cheese and salami since that bumps my calories up to a crazy amount! See ya!
